
教程名称:Photoshop Masking and Compositing: Advanced Blending

Lynda.com 最新推出的Photoshop高级合成视频教程,课程名称:《Photoshop Masking Compositing: Advanced Blending》,该教程由Deke McClelland主讲,时长约4小时,光盘镜像包含配套练习素材文件.
Photoshop Masking Compositing: Advanced Blending is the second installment in Deke McClelland’s series on making photorealistic compositions in Photoshop. The course explores blending options and shows how to use them to create sophisticated effects and seamless compositions, often without masking. Beginning with the basics of blending layered images, the course sheds light on the formulas behind the Photoshop blend modes and shows how to comp scanned line art, create double-exposure effects, correct skin tones, and work with the luminance sliders. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
* Assembling dynamic Dissolve effects
* Filling and stroking with Behind and Clear
* Cleaning up and compositing scanned line art
* Understanding the darken, lighten, and contrast modes
* Refining a mask with Multiply and Screen
* Creating a glowing, soft-focus effect
* Blending images with textures
* Comparing two seemingly identical images
* Creating type that inverts everything behind it
* Colorizing artwork with layers
* Achieving greater control with the Blend If option


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